Ethical Hacking Offensive-Defensive (With Tutorial Video)

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Hackers are basically divided into Black Hat and White Hat. Black hats can use the techniques and methods they have learned for their own benefit as well as to harm other people. White hats learn the same techniques and methods as black hats; black hats try to protect systems so they don't harm anyone. This book covers the basics of hacking from both black hat and white hat perspectives. It explains how a technique used by the black hat hacker is used to damage the system (offensive), and then how this security vulnerability is protected by the white hat hacker (defensive). The book is also supported by educational videos.


Introduction to Ethical Hacking
Exploit, Zero Day, Hacktivism, BugBounty Concepts
Blackbox, Whitebox and Graybox Pentest
Kali Linux, BackTrack Linux, Black Arch Linux
Google Hacking Database
Active & Passive Information Collection
Reverse IP, DNS and Traceroute
Symmetric (Secret Key) Encryption
Asymmetric (Public Key) Encryption
Caesar, DES, AES, Blowfish, Diffie-Hellman, RSA, MD5, SHA1
Brute Force, Rainbow Tables
Nmap & Zenmap
HTTP & SSH Tunneling
IP Spoofing
How to Write Keylogger, Virus and Trojan?
What is RAT?
How to use?
Network Listening
Man in The Middle Attack
Social Engineering
What is DoS/DDoS?
DoS Methods
What is a botnet?
Creating and Attacking Botnets
DNS, HTTP and Proxy
Same Origin Policy
Reflected, Dom-based and Stored XSS
Session Stealing with XSS
Cross-site Request Forgery
SQL Injection
Reverse Engineering and Static Analysis in Mobile Applications
Dynamic Analysis in Mobile Applications
What is Penetration Testing? How is it done?

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Ethical Hacking Offensive-Defensive (With Tutorial Video) Dozens of Turkish books in the fields of informatics, education and engineering are just a click away! Programming, coding, software, technology, hacker, maker books | 9786052263174
Ethical Hacking Offensive-Defensive (With Tutorial Video)


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