6 English Words Used as Programming Terms

Learning to program is like learning a new language. In some programming languages we come across syntaxes that seem almost impossible to understand. But for those who speak English, learning some languages becomes much easier. Because there are some words that are used exactly the same in English and programming languages.
Let's take a look at some of these words:
1) Immutable
Immutable means immutable. If a state is said to be 'immutable', that means it should not change. In JavaScript, the 'const' variable can be used to set an 'immutable' value. Actually, what is assigned to 'const' can be changed, but it is much more cumbersome compared to 'let' and 'var'.
2) Class
Class means class in Turkish. In programming, it is used to separate objects from each other. It can be defined as templates that describe the properties, behavior and initial states of objects. Each 'class' can be used over and over, so it's enough to write the same code once.
3) Inheritance
Inheritance is translated into Turkish as inheritance or inheritance. In programming, there is a parent-child relationship called 'child' (child) and 'parent' (parent). According to this relationship, 'child' has the properties of 'parent'. 'Inheritance' means that 'child' has the same values and properties as 'parent'. That is, in programming, as in living things, the child inherits features from the parent.
4) DataType
Data type means data type. When creating a variable, you must specify the data type of the variable in most programming languages. The data type can be specified in different types such as boolean, char, short, in, long, float, double. The data type you specify tells the computer how to store the value.
5) Recursion
Recursion can be translated into Turkish as recursion or self-invocation. In programming, it is used as a function, procedure, or algorithm calling itself.
6) Polymorphism
Polymorphism is translated into Turkish as polymorphism. More precisely, it can be defined as showing different shapes at different stages of development, being in different forms. In terms of programming, for example, an object has the property of 'polymorphism' because it is a template. Let's explain with a more casual example: The cat object continues to be a cat, even though it has different features and appearances. Different appearances do not prevent the cat as an object.
Programming terms and their meanings
You may have a hard time understanding some programming terms because you don't speak English. The meaning of the above programming terms becomes much more clear when compared to their meanings in English.
Of course, common words in English and programming languages are not limited to these. However, we think it would be a good start to explain some of the most common ones.