Basic Linux Commands for Beginners
Linux is the most popular free and open source operating system today. The main reason for this popularity is that Linux is fast, secure and free. Linux, which does not lose its power in the face of many alternatives, continues on its way by constantly increasing its importance in the programming world.
The fact that a software is open source and free means that everything in this software can be changed by different developers. You can distribute the new software you produce using this software under the name you want. For example, software such as Ubuntu Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Linux Mint, Debian were produced with Linux.
The Linux shell (or terminal) is the program that establishes a connection between the user and the operating system. Here commands are written and executed. You can make many changes to the operating system using basic Linux commands. So, what are the basic Linux commands?
When you open the terminal, the program logs into the user's home file. You can use the "pwd" command to find out the name of the file you are in.
With the "ls" command, you can see what the files are in the directory you are in. You can use the "ls-a" command to see the hidden files.
You can switch between directories with the "cd" command. For example, typing "cd home/abakus/Documents" will go to the Documents folder in the abacus folder in the Home folder.
The "cd..” command allows you to go to the previous folder because the colon means "back". Also, it's good to be reminded of this. If you need to use text with spaces in all commands of Linux, you must write it in quotation marks. For example: cd "Abacus Publications".
You can create a folder or directory with the "mkdir" command. For example: mkdir "home/abakus/New Folder" creates a folder named "New Folder" within the abacus folder in home.
rmdir & rm
You can use the "rmdir" command to delete the directory. However, the command won't work if the directory is not empty. Use the "rm" command to delete files and directories inside the folder. If you only want to delete directories you should use "rm-r".
With the "touch" command you can create a blank txt file or an empty zip file in many formats, for example: touch new.txt.
You can copy a file with the "cp" command. For this, you need to enter the first location of the file and the location to be copied. You cannot copy a folder with this command. It is only used for copying files.
You can move your files using this command. Used in the same way as the "cp" command, the "mv" command can also be used to rename a file.
The basic Linux commands we have listed in this article are an introduction for those just starting out with Linux. However, in order to use the Linux operating system effectively, you can improve yourself quickly with the 5th edition of Kemal Demirez's " Linux Command Line " book.