Back Door Magazine Issue 7

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Back Door Magazine Issue 7

Cybersecurity is one of the leading topics of our day. Developments are progressing at a dizzying pace. I don't have time to follow all the events, do you wish someone would follow up on our behalf and provide a summary? Tayfun Özkara has been following the events for you with his Cyberspace column since the 7th issue and reporting from the scene. Hacker, journalist and digital rights activist Julian Assange was forcibly removed from the Ecuadorian Embassy where he had been staying for 7 years with refugee status. Although everyone knows him with Wikileaks, Assange is both a digital sage and a talented hacker behind his journalist identity. Would you like to read about Assange from Cansu Topukçu's pen? Passwords are the key to the empire. We protect our most important data, our digital assets, with passwords. We have been recommending some precautions regarding passwords since the first issue. Our most important warning is to use different passwords on different platforms and enable two-step verification. Using different passwords on each platform? So how will you remember these passwords? Of course, by using a password manager! Huriye Özdemir examined the pros and cons of password managers for you. Today, almost all services use end-to-end encryption. Therefore, even if they store this data on their servers, they cannot read it and cannot share it meaningfully with official institutions upon request. However, the same services do not hesitate to store the information that defines information, the information about who you talked to and when, in other words, the metadata of communication! Şahin Solmaz examines the concept of metadata, especially the metadata in images, for you. PTT Messenger, which was announced to the public by the then Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım in February 2018, is a messaging program that was launched as 100% local and national. PTT Messenger, which has been the subject of many discussions both during and after its announcement, still has unanswered questions about its cost. Murat Şişman answers the question of how you can create a similar messaging application in minutes. Today, the eduroam network, which includes almost all universities in Turkey, allows students to connect to all university networks with the login information assigned to them. So how secure is this network? Besim Altınok, who has made us happy with his work on wireless network security, wrote about the great danger in the eduroam network for Arka Kapı Magazine. In today's world where everything has a digital face, asking "can ships be hacked?" by excluding the magnificent vehicles of the waters, ships, must be one of the most up-to-date examples of the art of clairvoyance. Eşref Erol examines the issue of ship hacking in Arka Kapı Magazine with his article "That Ship Will Be Hacked One Day". Mithat Göğebakan shares a roadmap on client-side code analysis in web applications. Finding the treasure, of course, depends on the sharpness of the readers' attention. The teams that won the Cyber Star 2019 competition organized by BTK finally received their awards. What were the questions asked in the competition where the first-place team was awarded 10 Republic gold coins? Esra Nur Soylu wrote a write-up for Arka Kapı Magazine, which includes question solutions for the Cyber Yildiz 2019 CTF. Bayram Gök, who has been continuing his cryptology articles since our first issue, is opening the curtain of secrecy on RSA. All the details of the secret RSA, which everyone knows, are in Bayram Gök's article "Our Digital Confidant RSA". Our friends who are devoted to the amateur radio hobby, Murat Kaygısız, focuses on frequency - SWR and antenna issues in this issue of his amateur radio series. We remembered Stephen Hawking, who passed away last year, with fond memories once again with his theories on black holes, which were recently confirmed. Not only black holes; How about reading Hawking's view on artificial intelligence, which he owes his communication to, from Ilgın Müftüoğlu's pen? Muhammed Hilmi Koca is here with a reading list for software developers and a list he compiled as a result of great effort! As of the 7th issue of Arka Kapı Magazine, we will include the concepts explained by the Cyber Dictionary team in our magazine pages. Don't miss it! The 7th issue of Arka Kapı Magazine is before you again with interesting topics. Do not forget to insist on requesting our magazine, which is squeezed between the shelves as if it were hidden, from the bookstore officials! CONTENTSMay-June '19 Cyber Security & IT Events Cryptocurrency NewsCyber FieldJulian AssangeA Comparative Study of Password Managers The Invisible Village Needs a GuideLet's Build Our Own Messaging Application with SignalA Great Danger in Eduroam Academy Networks! That Ship Will Be Hacked One Day How to Do Client-Side Static Analysis in Web Applications? Cyber Star 2019 Solutions Our Digital Confidant What is RSA Frequency – Swr – Antenna Matching? Hawking's View of Artificial Intelligence Reading List for Software Developers Cyber Dictionary

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Back Door Magazine Issue 7 Dozens of Turkish books in the fields of informatics, education and engineering are just a click away! Programming, coding, software, technology, hacker, maker books | 9772017201807
Back Door Magazine Issue 7


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