Algorithm and Programming with C C++ and Java Languages (Training Video)
6,92 USD
9,88 USD
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16.5 / 24cm
Bülent Çobanoğlu
Warranty Period
24 Month
9,88 USD
Algorithm is the process of breaking down a problem into its solution steps. In this book, solutions of a problem are given in 3 different programming languages (C, C++, Java). The book in your hand is a bedside book prepared for those who want to grasp algorithms and programming logic, learn programming in C/C++ and Java from scratch, or who know programming in one language and want to improve this skill in another language. Remember that your programming skills will increase as you write code and develop projects. Anyone from 7 to 77 can code, fear not and get started!
The book is supported by educational videos.
Algorithm Development Examples with Flowcharts
C/C++ and Java Program Structure
Operators, Data Types and Variables
Transition from Algorithm to Coding
Loops, Nested Loops
C/C++ and Java Program Structure
Operators, Data Types and Variables
Transition from Algorithm to Coding
Loops, Nested Loops
Functions in C/C++ Methods in Java
Two Dimensional Arrays (Matrices)
String Operations
Object-based programming
Number Systems and Conversions
Decision Structures (if-else, switch-case)
RAPTOR What is it? How to Install?
Data Input/Output Application with RAPTOR
If-else Implementation with RAPTOR
Sequence Implementation with RAPTOR
Loop Application with RAPTOR
Defining Functions with RAPTOR
Converting Flowchart to C++/Java Languages with RAPTOR
JDK 9.0 Installation
Hello Java Application with Eclipse
Data Types and Enum Implementation in JAVA
Parameterized/Non-Parameter Method Implementation in JAVA
Random Number Generation in JAVA: Number Guessing Game
Decision Structures in JAVA (if-else, switch-case)
Calculator App
Array (Copy, Sort, Search Operations) Implementations in JAVA
Matrices in JAVA
Loops (for, while) in JAVA
Strings in JAVA (Password Implementation)
Class-Object Definition in JAVA
Getter-setter Method Definition in JAVA
Encapsulation/Wrapping Implementation in JAVA
Polymorphism in JAVA
Inheritance in JAVA (Instanceof)
Applets in JAVA
Installing Code::Blocks for C/C++
Hello C++ Application
Program Structure in C/C++
C/C++: Variables, Constants, Data Types
Commands: #include, return, using namespace, getch, printf, scanf
Turkish Character Problem of C/C++ Compilers (setlocale)
Transition from Algorithm to Coding
Output Format Characters
Decision Structures in C/C++
Random Number Generation in C/C++
Loops, Arrays in C/C++
Creating Functions and Header Files in C/C++
Recursive Function in C/C++
Defining Strings in C/C++
Data Input/Output Application with RAPTOR
If-else Implementation with RAPTOR
Sequence Implementation with RAPTOR
Loop Application with RAPTOR
Defining Functions with RAPTOR
Converting Flowchart to C++/Java Languages with RAPTOR
JDK 9.0 Installation
Hello Java Application with Eclipse
Data Types and Enum Implementation in JAVA
Parameterized/Non-Parameter Method Implementation in JAVA
Random Number Generation in JAVA: Number Guessing Game
Decision Structures in JAVA (if-else, switch-case)
Calculator App
Array (Copy, Sort, Search Operations) Implementations in JAVA
Matrices in JAVA
Loops (for, while) in JAVA
Strings in JAVA (Password Implementation)
Class-Object Definition in JAVA
Getter-setter Method Definition in JAVA
Encapsulation/Wrapping Implementation in JAVA
Polymorphism in JAVA
Inheritance in JAVA (Instanceof)
Applets in JAVA
Installing Code::Blocks for C/C++
Hello C++ Application
Program Structure in C/C++
C/C++: Variables, Constants, Data Types
Commands: #include, return, using namespace, getch, printf, scanf
Turkish Character Problem of C/C++ Compilers (setlocale)
Transition from Algorithm to Coding
Output Format Characters
Decision Structures in C/C++
Random Number Generation in C/C++
Loops, Arrays in C/C++
Creating Functions and Header Files in C/C++
Recursive Function in C/C++
Defining Strings in C/C++
C/C++: Grammar Structure
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