Чакры. Chakras. 7 parts of the body. 7 Keys to Awakening and Healing the Energy Body

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Dzhudit Anodea __ Джудит А.
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Chakry. 7 Kljuchej Dlja Probuzhdenija İstselenija Energeticheskogo Tela Author: Dzhudit Anodea PUBLISHING HOUSE: EKSMO Year of Publication: 2018 Number of Pages: 224 Volume Status: Paperback nuju informatsiju o system chakr i rasskazyvaet, kak rabotat s nimi, chtoby istselitsja ot boleznej i dostich garmonii i blagopoluchija.VY UZNAETE:• Kakovy funktsii i prednaznachenie kazhdoj chakry;• Kakuju rol igrajut chakry v vashej zhizni i kak vlijajut na zdorove, otnoshenija i prinjatie reshenij;• Kak detskie perezhivanija mogut «programmirovat» chakry;• Kak vyjavit fizicheskie, emotsionalnye i umstvennye grupansa chakr;• Kak garmonizirovat chakry pri pomoschi prostykh i effektivnykh uprazhnenij;• Kak is polzovat chakry dlja samovyrazhenija, osvobozhdenija i dostizhenija polozhitelnykh izmenenij v vashej zhizni...i mnogoe drugoe! Anodeja Dzhudit — psikholog, tselitel, vsemirno izvestnyj spetsialist po rabote s chakrami i populjarizator vostochnoj filosofii. Avtor semi knig-bestsellerov o chakrakh, joge i rabote s energiej, sredi kotorykh bestseller «Chakry. Populjarnaja entsiklopedija dlja nachinajuschikh». Anodeja Dzhudit chitaet lektsii i vedet seminary po vsemu miru.
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Чакры. Chakras. 7 parts of the body. 7 Keys to Awakening and Healing the Energy Body


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