The Girl That Nothing Can Happen To

19,41 USD
27,72 USD
Stock code
Kir Bulychev
Год публикации (Year of Publication)
Издатель (Publisher)
ABC Publishing House
Количество страниц (Number of Pages)
Warranty Period
24 Month
27,72 USD
V knigu vkhodyat izvestnyye rasskazy Kira Bulychova ob otvazhnoy Alise Seleznovoy, ob"yedinonnyye v tsikl «Devochka, s kotoroy nichego ne sluchitsya», i povest' «Zapovednik skazok». O tom, kak Alisa besstrashno brosayetsya navstrechu priklyucheniyam, s nachala rasskazyvayet yeyo papa- professor, a potom Alisa taykom ubegayet s gnomom Veney v zapovednyy les, gde yeyo zhdut novyye priklyucheniya – him pomogayet lyubimym skazochnym geroyam pobedit' zlogo volshebnika.
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The Girl That Nothing Can Happen To


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