Intensive Course of the Spanish Language for Beginners

15,69 USD
22,40 USD
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22,40 USD
Dannoye uchebnoye posobiye soderzhit leksicheskiy i grammaticheskiy material dlya izucheniya ispanskogo yazyka s nulevogo urovnya. Course razbit na 100 otnositel'no nebol'shikh, no nasyshchennykh urokov i rasschitan na prokhozhdeniye v techeniye 100 dney, to yest' na osvoyeniye 1 uroka potrebuyetsya 1 den'. Dlya otrabotki yazykovykh navykov i rechevykh umeniy predlagayetsya bol'shoye kolichestvo uprazhneniy, klyuchi k kotorym raspolozheny v kontse knigi. Posobiye takzhe nauchit vas rabotat' s tekstami na ispanskom yazyke.Kniga Adresovan vsem, kto khochet ovladet' ispanskim yazykom, ne slishkom zatyagivaya protsess izucheniya, i gotov k intensivnym samostoyatel'nym zanyatiyam.
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Intensive Course of the Spanish Language for Beginners


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