Offensive Security with Kali

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1,78 USD
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Introductory Guide to CEH and Penetration Testing

Kali Linux, one of the most popular security testing platforms today, is a Debian-based Linux distribution that allows people of all ages to become more experienced in penetration testing and information security. Kali is not only the cornerstone of many security and penetration testing programs, but also has a massive user community who share code, methods and experience to help even the most experienced security guards become more effective. Kali Linux as a platform is versatile. It can be run from USB media, installed on a hard disk, or run in virtual environments.
With the rise of malicious actors and malware, an understanding of how attacks work, with an increasing focus on system and network security, allows you to be more effective in providing balanced and appropriate controls.
In this book, you will learn how to use Kali Linux, additional tools used to perform different types of penetration testing tasks such as Nessus and OpenVAS. We will cover how to set up an effective virtual lab for testing and many aspects of penetration testing, as well as helpful advice on how to ensure successful use of the Kali Linux platform.
Although there are hundreds of tools that come in Kali, we found it convenient to introduce tools that are often used in penetration testing in our book. In this context, our book can be thought of as an introductory guide to ethical hacking or penetration testing. Our book is supported by educational videos.


What is Kali Linux?
Creating an Advanced Test Lab
Data collection
Detection of Security Vulnerabilities
Exploiting Vulnerabilities
Opening a Backdoor on a Linux Machine
Password Attacks
Web Vulnerability Detection Tools
Wireless Network Attacks
DoS/DDoS Attacks

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Offensive Security with Kali Dozens of Turkish books in the fields of informatics, education and engineering are just a click away! Programming, coding, software, technology, hacker, maker books | 9786052263167
Offensive Security with Kali


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