Containers and Docker
1,83 USD
2,61 USD
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16,5 / 24 cm
Güray Yıldırım
Warranty Period
24 Month
2,61 USD
Container technologies stand out with their increasing awareness and advantages in recent years. In this book, container structure is handled through Docker, one of the sample systems. Image, container concepts, transferring applications and microservices to Docker, some types of networks on Docker, preparing Dockerfile and creating images, managing multiple machines (orchestration, orchestration) with Docker Swarm Mode, defining multiple containers and networks with Docker Compose, Topics such as multistage build, suggested methods for log access, the concept of volume and its various applications, Portainer are mentioned.
Throughout the book, the explanations will be made on Ubuntu 16.04. Although there are not great differences between distributions, it is recommended to make applications with Ubuntu, even if it is on a virtual machine.
It is recommended to read the book with basic Linux knowledge, if there is no basic knowledge, a book on this subject or reading the book after the training is recommended.
Throughout the book, the explanations will be made on Ubuntu 16.04. Although there are not great differences between distributions, it is recommended to make applications with Ubuntu, even if it is on a virtual machine.
It is recommended to read the book with basic Linux knowledge, if there is no basic knowledge, a book on this subject or reading the book after the training is recommended.
Installation , Prerequisites
How Container Works
Image Creation and Dockerfile Commands
Volume Concept and SSHFS Volume Plugin
Docker Compose with Examples
Some Frequently Used Docker Commands
Portainer Installation and Usage
Docker Swarm Mode Introduction and Examples
Play With Docker
Log Access and Log Drivers
External Access to Services (ngrok, SSH reverse proxy)
Image Creation and Dockerfile Commands
Volume Concept and SSHFS Volume Plugin
Docker Compose with Examples
Some Frequently Used Docker Commands
Portainer Installation and Usage
Docker Swarm Mode Introduction and Examples
Play With Docker
Log Access and Log Drivers
External Access to Services (ngrok, SSH reverse proxy)
Kitap Konteynerler ve Docker e giriş için gayet uygun bir tercih olacaktır. Konteynerlerin çalışma prensibinden itibaren anlatılan kitapta bir çok konuya kısa da olsa değinerek okuyucunun genel gereksinimler hakkında bilgi sahibi olması sağlanmış. Kitap her ne kadar sade bir dille ve açıklanarak yazılmış olsada içindeki komutların anlaşılması için temel düzeyde Linux konularına hakimiyet gerekiyor. Özellikle DevOps konularına meraklı arkadaşlar için birr başlangıç kitabı olarak da tavsiye edilebilir.
S... İ... | 06/02/2018