Magicheski пофигизм. Here you go, as you wait and see what happens. сейчас_ Magical Nonsense. Every Thing in the World

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Sarah Knight __ Nayt C.
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Magicheskij Pofigizm. Kak Perestat Paritsja Obo Vsem Na Svete İ Stat Schastlivym Prjamo Sejchas Author: Sarah Knight PUBLISHING HOUSE: EKSMO Year of Publication: 2022 Number of Pages: 256 Volume Status: Paperback Kogda-to bestseller Mari Kondo "Magicheskaja uborka" pomog zhurnalistke i pisatelnitse Sare Najt vykinut ves khlam i privesti dom v idealnyj porjadok. Etot opyt vdokhnovil ee polnostju izmenit svoju zhizn: izbavitsja ot bespoleznykh del, navjazannogo chuvstva viny i nezhelatelnogo obschenija - i napravit energiju i vremja na ljubimykh ljudej i prijatnye zanjatija. V svoej knige Sara delitsja s nami svoim metom "mentalnoj uborki", kotoryj posevolit s legkostju zabit na: - mnenie okruzhajuschikh; - neidealnuju (po navjazannym standardam) figure; - semejnye neurjaditsy; - spory vv sotsialnykh setjakh; - i ljubuju druguju chepukhu!
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Magicheski пофигизм. Here you go, as you wait and see what happens. сейчас_ Magical Nonsense. Every Thing in the World Dozens of Turkish books in the fields of informatics, education and engineering are just a click away! Programming, coding, software, technology, hacker, maker books | 9785041686031
Magicheski пофигизм. Here you go, as you wait and see what happens. сейчас_ Magical Nonsense. Every Thing in the World


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