What's going on is Bosphorus. Стамул в рецептах, историях и криках чаек _ On the Shore of the Bosphorus. Istanbul Recipes, Stories and Martı Çığlı

21,58 USD
30,82 USD
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Esmira Ismailova
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Warranty Period
24 Month
30,82 USD
Aromat turetskogo kofe, khrustkiy simit na naberezhnoy rayona Ortakoy, krik chayek nad labirintom rybnogo rynka, — Stambul, Yedinozhdy zapavshiy v dushu, ne otpustit nikogda. Debyutnaya kniga Esmiry ne prosto gid po krasivym mestam goroda i ne yeshche odin kulinarnyy putevoditel' — eto istoriya o tom, kak boznat' stambul'skiy keyf, nauchit'sya nikuda ne speshit', naslazhdat'sya yantarnym menemenom na zavtrak, malen'kimi glotochkami pit' tyurk kakhvesi s poslevkusiyem koritsy i kardamona, sledit' za val'som chainok v tyul'panoobraznom bokale i vdykhat' polnoy grud'yu zapakh Bosfora i granatovogo soka. Kniga o retseptakh, kotorym ne odna sotnya let, o lyudyakh, ch'i istorii tak i prosyatsya na stranitsy romana, o beskonechno krasivom gorode na beregakh Bosfora.
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What's going on is Bosphorus. Стамул в рецептах, историях и криках чаек _ On the Shore of the Bosphorus. Istanbul Recipes, Stories and Martı Çığlı Dozens of Turkish books in the fields of informatics, education and engineering are just a click away! Programming, coding, software, technology, hacker, maker books | 9785040979431
What's going on is Bosphorus. Стамул в рецептах, историях и криках чаек _ On the Shore of the Bosphorus. Istanbul Recipes, Stories and Martı Çığlı


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