Rafa's Sphere Book Two

2,83 USD
4,05 USD
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1st Edition
Abacus Book
Edanur Çilesiz & Rivet Imrek
Bebabalula (Selen Tosun)
4,05 USD
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"Rafa's Globe", which aims to conduce children and young people to become world citizens, is about the adventures of our hero named Rafa and his faithful friend Gezbot all over the world. Rafa and Gezbot, who go after Badman, who goes to India, China, France and many other countries, chats with the local people, visits the most beautiful places and steals the valuables of the countries with the magic ball he got from his Traveling Dede, will give you exciting moments with their adventures. "Rafa's Globe", inspired by the travels of Perçin İmrek, who traveled to 83 countries, was co-written by Edanur Çilesiz and Perçin İmrek and drawn by the illustrator Selen (Bebabalula).

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