Senin Hikayen

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13,5 x 19,5 cm
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Kemal Başaranoğlu, MSc, PCC (ICF) focuses on his 21-year corporate career and professional coaching experience, and activates the reader with awareness, with a real coaching approach, by "rewriting his own career story".

Career is no different from human life!

Man is born, grows, develops and his life ends.

So is career.

Ending here means the beginning of a new career, being heralded.

Your story will not be written by reading books, listening to others!

Your story will be written with awareness and action, with you!

Feeling Like the Ugly Duckling!
Being in the Last Exit Dilemma Before the Bridge!
Get behind the wheel!
Moving Towards A Career That Fits You!
Seeing the Sun on the Journey, Breathing the Fresh Air, Breathing the Fragrances!
Discovering a Precious Metal and Shaving It in the Right Place
Reflecting the Light on Every Face of the Diamond!
Interacting in Networks
And It's Time to Sow Your Own Seed!

Senin Hikayen
Elinizin altında her an olması gereken sizi hep bir adım ileriye taşımaya yardım edecek müthiş bir kaynak..herkesin okumasını dilerim..
z... d... | 27/12/2020
Senin Hikayen
İçselleştirmek uygulama ile mümkün; bu kitap da fazlasıyla mevcut olan uygulamalarla potansiyelinizin farkına varıp uygulamaya geçirebiliyorsunuz.
Ellerinize sağlık.

Burçak Harputluoğlu 16/12/2020
Burçak Harputluoğlu | 16/12/2020
Senin Hikayen Kitabı
Kariyer yolculuğunda kişinin kendini tanıması ve bu yolda farkındalığını arttırması gibi konuları içeren uygulamalı bir kitap okudukça okuyası geliyor insanın :) Özellikle uygulamalar çok faydalı...
Pakize Özdemir | 15/12/2020
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Senin Hikayen Dozens of Turkish books in the fields of informatics, education and engineering are just a click away! Programming, coding, software, technology, hacker, maker books | 9786052263921
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