School on the dark earth_The School at the End of the World

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Greg Mortenson __ Mortenson Greg
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Shkola Na Kraju Zemli Author: Greg Mortenson PUBLISHING HOUSE: EKSMO Year of Publication: 2018 Number of Pages: 480 Volume Status: Paperback Prodolzhenie mirovogo bestsellera so scandalnoj reputatsiej "Tri chashki chaja". Greg Mortenson, chudakovatyj alpinist-neudachnik, postroivshij neskolko shkol v Afghanistane i Pakistane, prodolzhaet svoju neprostuju missiju, pronikaja v samye glukhie i otrezannye ot tsivilizatsii rajony. Greg esche bolshe raskryvaet psikhologiju mestnogo naselenija, delaja aktsent na devochkakh i molodykh zhenschinakh, kotorye gotovy risknut vsem, chto u nikh est, chtoby slomat stereotipy, poluchit obrazovanie i realizovat sebja. V mire knigi Mortensona razoshlis tirazhom bolee 7 000 000 ekzempljarov, v Rossii – bolee 80 000 ekzempljarov, a sam Greg byl udostoen mnozhestva premij i nagrad.
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School on the dark earth_The School at the End of the World


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