Turkish for Beginners

12,01 USD
17,14 USD
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Ahmed Kaplan
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Warranty Period
24 Month
17,14 USD
Tsel' etogo posobiya - pomoch' tem, kto tol'ko nachinayet izuchat' turetskiy yazyk, sdelat' eto bystro i effektivno. Kniga okhvatyvayet ves' ob"yem grammaticheskogo i leksicheskogo materiala, neobkhodimogo dlya izucheniya yazyka na nachal'nom urovne. Dlya uspeshnogo zakrepleniya proydennogo materiala predlagayutsya uprazhneniya. Izdaniye soprovozhdayetsya slovarem.
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Turkish for Beginners Dozens of Turkish books in the fields of informatics, education and engineering are just a click away! Programming, coding, software, technology, hacker, maker books | 9785171373924
Turkish for Beginners


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