Turkish in 3 Months

12,76 USD
18,20 USD
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Serap Özmen Kalmutskaya
Год публикации (Year of Publication)
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Количество страниц (Number of Pages)
Warranty Period
24 Month
18,20 USD
Dannyy samouchitel' pomozhet v karotkiy srok osvoit' leksicheskiy i grammaticheskiy minimum nachal'nogo urovnya i prostyye formy razgovornoy rechi. Course sostoid trace 12 urokov. V kazhdom uroke predstavleny osnovnyye grammaticheskiye temy i poleznaya leksika, neobkhodimaya v povsednevnom obshchenii. Dlya otrabotki prakticheskikh navykov predlagayutsya uprazhneniya s otvetami. V kontse knigi vy naydete poleznyye prilozheniya i russko-turetskiy slovar'. Kniga Adresovana vsem, kto khochet v kratkiye sroki ovladet' osnovami turetskogo yazyka.
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Turkish in 3 Months Dozens of Turkish books in the fields of informatics, education and engineering are just a click away! Programming, coding, software, technology, hacker, maker books | 9785171132248
Turkish in 3 Months


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