Yeni Başlayanlar İçin Python

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10,29 USD
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16.5 / 24cm
Ahmet Aksoy
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Python programming language is spreading rapidly around the world, especially attracting the attention of users who do not have any programming background. As of the end of 2015, it rose from eighth to fourth among the most popular languages in the world. In addition, Python has risen to the first place in high schools and universities as an optional programming language in countries such as France and the USA. This is because Python is a user-friendly language and has a very strong infrastructure as an interpretive language. Python codes are usually 3 to 5 times shorter than Java and 5 to 10 times shorter than C++.
This book is for Python beginners. For this reason, the author has taken care to deal with the general structure of the language, the most used modules and functions, rather than going into special topics that require expertise. The topics covered are supported with explanatory examples and more than 150 sample codes are included. In addition, the book is supported by educational videos.
The book is based on the latest version of the Python language. Almost all of the code has been prepared and carefully tested according to Python 3.5.1.
A few examples using older versions are compatible with the previous stable version, as the modules used have not yet been adapted to the latest Python version.
The up-to-date structure of the book, its easy-to-understand and exemplary language make it a reference book for "beginners".

Python Installation
Controlling the Flow
Data Structures
String (str) Data Structures
List Data Structures
Tuple Data Structures
Set Data Structures
Dictionary (Dict) Data Structures
Input/Output Transactions
Error and Exception Management
Special Topics
File Operations
Regular Expressions (Regex – Regular Expressions)
Web Visits
One-Line Python Operations (Comprehensions)
Introduction to Visual (Gui) Programming
Additional Installations and Modules

Video Content
Python Installation
Python Basics, Commands
Basic Data Types
Controlling the Flow
Modules and Packages
Strings, Strings
Error and Exception Management
Regular Expressions (Regular Expressions / Regex)
Data Mining with Python
Example Application: Facebook Password Login
Sample Project: Mors
Pycharm Installation
Using Pycharm
Jupyter IPython Installation
Jupyter Notebook

File Center of Phyton for Beginners

Yeni Başlayanlar için PYTHON hata
Arkasında ki site linki girmiyor video eğitim seti diye bahsedilmişti ancak hata veriyor hüsrana uğradım lütfen yardımcı olurmusunuz
O... E... | 18/09/2023
kitap hakkında
gerçekten çok iyi paketlenmişti ve çok özenle yazılmış çok teşekkürler
Samethan Aras | 07/05/2020
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Yeni Başlayanlar İçin Python Dozens of Turkish books in the fields of informatics, education and engineering are just a click away! Programming, coding, software, technology, hacker, maker books | 9786059129503
Yeni Başlayanlar İçin Python


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