Git İle Versiyon Kontrol ve Takım Çalışması
0,69 USD
0,99 USD
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13,5 / 19,5 cm
Eray Alakese
Warranty Period
24 Month
0,99 USD
Version Control and Teamwork with Git Version Control and Teamwork with Git - Eray Alakese
Git is one of the world's most popular version control systems, open source and free. It was developed by Linus Torvalds, who is also the developer of the Linux kernel. It was started to be developed in 2005. Git, which provides great convenience in teamwork as it is a distributed version control system; Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Paypal is used by the world's largest institutions and organizations such as NASA. Thanks to this version control system that you can easily learn You will be able to announce the software you develop to the world and be involved in worldwide projects. First Steps with Git Branching Conflicts (Conflicts) What is Rebasing and How is it Different from Merge? Reverting Files to Their Previous State (reset) Navigating Between Commits Ignoring Git Stash Files (gitignore) Deleting Files Copying Commits to Another Branch - git-cherry Git Aliases Debugging with Git Semantic Versioning and Versioning Tagging What is a Remote Git Repository? GitHub Bitbucket Git Clients Tower SourceTree A Different Perspective on Git Branching git-flow Meaningful Commit Messages and How to Write Branch Names?
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