Mühendislik Öğrencileri İçin Temel Kılavuz C / C++

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The ABC of Programming for Everyone
This book is written for those who don't know any C/C++ and want to learn or want to improve their existing C/C++ knowledge. The book has been prepared especially for those who have just started programming with C/C++ in schools, courses, vocational high schools, colleges and universities. In parallel with this, the book has been prepared taking into account not only students who are just starting out in programming, but also educators who teach programming. Therefore, our educators can easily use the book in lessons. A lot of sample code has been written on some subjects, especially for those who are new to programming, so that the subjects are simpler and more understandable. With the applications at the end of the chapters, it is aimed to reinforce the topics thoroughly. The Frequently Used Algorithms topic in the last section provides answers to the questions that we frequently encounter in our school life or in exams. The subjects start completely from scratch and aim to provide basic/intermediate programming skills. The topics in the book are divided into as small and logical parts as possible and supported by examples that can be easily understood by everyone.

Note: You can use the pdf by downloading Chapters 21-28 from www.abakuskitap.com file center and entering the PDF code on the table of contents.

Basic concepts
Software Development Process
Basic Algorithm Knowledge
Annotated Algorithm Examples
Giant C++
C Editors
Variables & Data Input Output
Decision Structures
Numeric and Verbal Functions
Frequently Used Algorithms and Operations
C++ Editors
Variables & Data Input Output Operations in C++
Decision Structures in C++
Loops in C++
Functions in C++
Array Operations in C++
Pointer Operations in C++
Standard C++ Language Numeric and Verbal Functions
Basic Algorithms in C++
Object-based programming
Inheritance & Derivation
Outlier Management
Entry-Exit Operations
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Mühendislik Öğrencileri İçin Temel Kılavuz C / C++ Dozens of Turkish books in the fields of informatics, education and engineering are just a click away! Programming, coding, software, technology, hacker, maker books | 9786059129060
Mühendislik Öğrencileri İçin Temel Kılavuz C / C++


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